Friday, October 24, 2008

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[X] Return to the dining room. Subdue her using rope and sealing amulets.


Vincent heads back to the dining room. He doesn't want to kill her, but he can't risk her running free. He slows down as he approaches. He carefully peeks into the room.

Youmu is lying unconscious on the floor. Her chest is moving up and down slowly. The white wispy thing is floating limp behind her. She has no visible wounds, but the shot clearly damaged her. The sword she was holding is on the ground. She is still wearing a second sword in her sheath.

[Kill her now!]

Vincent shakes his head. She may not be human, but he isn't going to kill her.

[You won't have this chance again, you fool!]

He wastes no time and takes the rope from his pack. He binds her arms and legs tightly; she has already displayed physical skill, he can't take chances. He tries to bind the wisp with the rope, but he fails as the object is ethereal. He takes an amulet and attaches it to the wisp; surprisingly it sticks without any problem.

He takes both swords and places them beside his pack. He sits himself down at the table and finishes his breakfast as he thinks. He looks back at Youmu, now bound on the ground. He feels like he should try to help her somehow, but there are no wounds that he can bandage. He sighs as he stares at the girl.

She looks so helpless and vulnerable like this.

[ ] Remove her clothes. She might be concealing weapons.
[ ] Tie a gag around her mouth. She might scream.
[ ] Double-check that the bindings are tight. She might loosen the knots.
[ ] Tie a blindfold around her eyes. She doesn't need to see you.
[ ] Gently sit her up on the wall. Check if she has a fever.
[ ] Probe her body and examine the wisp. Perhaps you can find some sign of the injury.
[ ] Carry her to another room. Maybe you can find a bed.
[ ] Carry her to the workshed. That area seems deserted enough.
[ ] Custom

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